Category Archives: Vision Care

  1. Overcoming a Fear of LASIK Surgery: A Path to Clear Vision

    The idea of having a laser near your eyes can be intimidating. For many, the thought of undergoing LASIK surgery conjures images of discomfort, uncertainty, and risk. However, the reality of LASIK surgery is far more reassuring. Let us help to demystify the process, alleviate common fears, and highlight the transformative benefits of LASIK surgery….

  2. Will COVID-19 Affect Your Vision?

    Like any inoculation against illness, the COVID-19 vaccination brings potential side effects, but they are different for everyone. These are typically mild and signify your immune system is working hard to recognize the virus, so it can protect you. After a COVID-19 vaccination or booster shot, many people experience soreness around the injection site, fatigue,…

  3. Are Designer Sunglasses Worth It?

    Are you in the market for new sunglasses? It’s the season where some spend hundreds of dollars for designer glasses, while others buy theirs at the grocery store. But when shopping, what are you looking for – how they look, or how well they protect your eyes? While many pairs from top fashion brands like…

  4. Child wearing glasses

    Why Myopia Progression Is A Concern

    Are you or your child’s eyes getting worse every year? Some youngsters who develop myopia (nearsightedness) have continuous myopia progression throughout their school years, including high school. While annual eye exam costs and new glasses every year can be a financial strain on some families, the long-term risks of myopia progression are more significant. More…

  5. 10 Warning Signs of Age-Related Eye Problems

    Vision problems are a common, if not inevitable, part of the aging process. Some issues are annoying, while others are eye diseases that may lead to blindness if left untreated. Early detection is the secret to solving eye problems before they increase in severity. However, this can only come through regular eye examinations and looking…

  6. Myopia: Is There A Cure for Nearsightedness?

    Myopia is defined as a problem seeing things far away. Although nearsightedness affects all ages, the constant use of digital screens on smartphones, tablets, and computers has increased its risk with children. But you might ask – if you or your children struggle with nearsightedness, is there a cure? Since the advent of smartphones and…

  7. Bladed vs. Bladeless Lasik

    There seems to be some confusion about bladed and bladeless Lasik. You would think the procedures have vast differences in performance and results. But a more accurate comparison is simple. The difference is only how your surgeon performs the step to create the corneal flap. Other than that, the surgeries are essentially the same. Although…

  8. Choosing the Best Vision Correction Options for You

    Technology has made an impact on virtually every aspect of our lives. Whether it’s through the many new electronic devices that seem to hit the market every day, or medical procedures, improvements abound.  The same can be said for vision correction. Over the past couple of decades, laser technology has seen incredible advancements. Vision correction…

  9. Maintaining Healthy Vision as We Age

    The effects of aging go beyond gray hair, creaky knees, and wrinkles. Consider the many age-related conditions that can affect your vision, including glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration. But, rest assured eye issues with aging are not inevitable. Our bodies age differently from person to person. However, plenty of scientific evidence indicates keeping yourself…

  10. Is “20/20” Perfect Vision?

    Once your eye exam is over, and the results are 20/20, does this mean your vision is perfect? Is there such a thing as a better vision score? And if so, what is “perfect” vision, anyway? The best way to answer these questions is to have a working understanding of vision terminology. Here’s a closer…