Tag Archives: Eye Care

  1. Protecting Your Eye Health While You Work

    The type of work you perform has an impact on the level of risk your eyes may endure. Whether it’s from injury or health issues, you should take the proper precautions to protect your eyes. This is true whether your work involves physical labor or sitting behind a desk. Preventing Workplace Injuries Jobs like manufacturing,…

  2. The Effects of Blue Light on Your Eyes

    When you look outside and see a rainbow, you’re seeing a glorious display of the spectrum of light. Sunlight looks white, but is really a combination of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet light. Each color of light has different features and effects on the eye.  Sunlight has a lot of blue light,…

  3. Stay Hydrated for Healthier Eyes

    When your eyes lose moisture and become dry, they are prone to many problems. Dehydration may cause irritation, redness, itching, eye strain and make you feel and look tired. The best way to combat these effects is to keep yourself and your eyes well hydrated. Your eyes are important not only because they provide a…

  4. man and woman on a couch using a tablet and a laptop

    Does Screen Usage Affect Vision?

    In our modern world, screens are a big part of reality. Want to check the weather? Pull up an app. Looking for a night out? Head to the theater and gaze at a screen. Need to take a photo? Grab your phone. We use screens every day, and often every hour to complete our daily…

  5. Poster comparing lifetime costs of glasses, contacts, and LASIK

    LASIK Vs. Contacts – Long Term Cost

    You want better vision, but you’re worried about the cost. How can you improve your vision without wasting precious dollars and cents? Honestly, who has money to throw away? If you’re a budget shopper, broke college student, or lover of good vision, we’ve created this guide for you! Glasses, contacts, and LASIK surgery are the…