Forget Readers, Bifocals and Progressives
Forget Readers, Bifocals, and Progressives
Ben Franklin, the philosopher, famously penned the phrase – “In life, there are two certainties – death and taxes.” Today, eye care professionals take the liberty of slightly revising Ben Franklin’s phrase to read, “In life, there are three certainties – death, taxes, and presbyopia”. Presbyopia is the term that ophthalmologists use to describe the aging of the crystalline lens of the human eye that results in the need for reading glasses.
Ben Franklin, as an inventor and innovator, also sawed two glass lenses in half and then combined them in the same eyeglass frame thereby creating the first “bifocal lens” for the treatment of presbyopia. Although today’s progressive lenses used in eyeglasses have improved dramatically upon Ben Franklin’s bifocal glasses, they remain fundamentally the same product today as they did in Franklin’s day. Visual distortion and feeling like one is seeing the world through a “fishbowl” are the common complaints of patients who use either progressive lenses or classic bifocal glasses.
Bifocals- It’s Time to Update Your Tech
It is time to move on from bifocal technology from the 1700s. Lifestyle LASIK is a very simple adaptation of the highly successful LASIK surgery, designed to treat the aging eye and correct presbyopia. This technology demonstrates several advantages over alternative treatments such as monovision.
Lifestyle LASIK provides patients with the ability to see perfectly at distance with both eyes and also read magazine-sized print without the need for any reading glasses. Because both eyes can see 20/20 or better at distance and both eyes can see to read there is no noticeable reduction in the quality of a person’s vision as can be seen in monovision.
It is ideal for patients such as pilots or commercial drivers who must have excellent distance vision in both eyes but also need to see at close range without reading glasses. The maintenance of normal binocular vision is what makes Lifestyle LASIK so exciting and versatile.

What is Lifestyle LASIK in Salem, OR?
To create the Lifestyle LASIK procedure, Dr. Will spent years carefully studying the shape of the cornea. He analyzed countless data points to find the specific corneal shape required to maintain normal distance vision while retaining the ability to read a magazine without reading glasses.
It took years, but eventually, Dr. Will developed a unique LASIK technique that provides patients with excellent vision, both at distance and close-up. He has a very high success rate for this procedure, provided patients are good candidates.
The Future's Right Before Your Eyes!
If you’re ready to take the next step in your journey to better vision, contact Will Vision & Laser Centers today. We’re excited to welcome you into our practice and for you to “See the Difference.”
Lifestyle LASIK
With Lifestyle LASIK there is no loss of distance vision in either eye, enabling the patient to retain normal 20/20 distance vision in both eyes and normal depth perception. The Lifestyle LASIK patient can enjoy natural everyday vision with the ability to focus from near to far without the need for reading glasses.
See your computer, cell phone text messages, restaurant menu, and golf scorecard with ease!
The primary disadvantage of Lifestyle Lasik is that it cannot be performed in all patients, as it requires that both eyes have an underlying refractive error such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. This is one time when bad vision serves an advantage.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your journey to better vision, contact Will Vision & Laser Centers today. We’re excited to welcome you into our practice and for you to “See the Difference.”
Lifestyle LASIK in the Pacific Northwest- Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Does Lifestyle LASIK Cost? Is it More Expensive than a Regular LASIK Treatment?
We use the same technology for Lifestyle LASIK as our Wavefront Guided LASIK procedures, but the process is different. Lifestyle LASIK is much more complex than a standard procedure. This procedure does cost more, but also offers more value as it corrects both near and far vision and eliminates the need for corrective lenses and reading glasses for many patients.
We’ll provide a detailed estimate during your consultation.
Why Is Lifestyle LASIK Exclusively Offered by Will Vision & Laser Centers?
Lifestyle LASIK isn’t a procedure you’ll see offered at other LASIK providers. This treatment is a Will Vision exclusive, developed by our own Dr. Will. Successfully executing this technique requires advanced refractive surgery skills, a deep understanding of corneal anatomy, and an extensive amount of practice. Dr. Will is one of the few surgeons in the Pacific Northwest with these exacting qualifications.
Am I a Good Candidate for Lifestyle LASIK?
If you’re considering Lifestyle LASIK, we want to talk. Contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Will and learn more about this procedure. Good candidates must require vision correction in both eyes for a refractive error and should also be experiencing a loss of near-vision due to age-related changes in the eye.
What’s Recovery Like After Lifestyle LASIK?
Like LASIK surgery, Lifestyle LASIK permanently reshapes the eye. Many patients will enjoy a lifelong improvement in their vision.
How Long Do Lifestyle LASIK Results Last?
Like LASIK surgery, Lifestyle LASIK permanently reshapes the eye. Many patients will enjoy a lifelong improvement in their vision.