See Life in High Definition with the EVO ICL™

The next generation in vision correction is here

EVO Implantable Contact Lens Technology: Welcome to Will Vision and Laser Centers, a unique destination in the Pacific Northwest where leading edge technology is the norm, rather than the exception.

As a perfect complement to our state-of-the-art LASIK procedures and RLE with the light adjustable lens from RxSight®, we a pleased to provide the opportunity to transform your vision with the EVO Implantable Contact Lens technology™ (ICL) from Staar Surgical®. Designed for sharp, clear vision, EVO ICL is an invisible, lens-based solution that corrects vision without altering the structure of your eyes. Experience the world with clarity and freedom from glasses and contacts.

About EVO ICL™

What is EVO ICL™?

Advanced Vision Correction that’s Reversible: The EVO Implantable Contact Lens™ is an advanced vision correction alternative, sitting invisibly in your eye with the capacity to correct myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. Unlike LASIK or traditional contact lenses, the EVO ICL is placed inside the eye, offering clear, permanent, but reversible vision correction.

Permanent but reversible may sound a bit like an oxymoron. The EVO ICL™ provides a stable, permanent solution to focusing problems and does not typically need any adjustments or exchange. However, unlike LASIK or RLE, the EVO ICL™ can be removed at a future date if vision needs change. This reversible nature of the EVO ICL™ represents a unique advantage that this vision correction technology provides over virtually all other options currently available.

Benefits of EVO ICL™

Advantages over LASIK, RLE, or Soft Contact Lenses: Choosing EVO ICL™ means experiencing life with unmatched visual clarity and comfort. Although performed less frequently than LASIK or RLE, the EVO ICL™ demonstrates several benefits over any of these alternative vision corrective procedures. These benefits include:

  • High definition vision, day and night without the hassles of contact lenses
  • Completely reversible if one’s vision needs change in the future
  • Ideal for patients with pre-existing dry eye
  • Ideal for patients with thin corneas
  • Ideal for patients whose cornea shape or structure makes them a non-candidate for LASIK
  • Ideal for high degrees of nearsightedness or astigmatism
  • Superior vision quality for higher degrees of nearsightedness when compared to LASIK
  • No need for maintenance like contact lenses that are worn externally on the eye
  • Protection against damage to the inner eye structures from ultraviolet light (UV) created by a UV blocking filter that is built into the EVO ICL™ lens

The Procedure

How It’s Done

Simple, Quick, and Pain-Free: The procedure for inserting the EVO ICL™ is minimally invasive, pain-free, and is generally completed within 20-30 minutes. Under local anesthesia using eye drops and an oral sedative, a small opening is made in the side of the cornea away from the visual axis. The EVO ICL™ is folded like a taco and inserted into the front chamber of the eye. Once inside the lens unfolds spontaneously. The surgeon then carefully orients the lens to the correct axis and gently tucks the four corners under the iris. The lens then floats on the front surface or the crystalline lens of the eye in the same manner that a soft contact lens floats on the cornea.

Once the lens is in place and aligned, the vision is immediately corrected and the patient can see. There will be improvement in the vision as the eye heals but typically the vision with the EVO ICL™ becomes clear very quickly.

Preparing for Surgery

Understanding Expectations: Before surgery your surgeon will discuss your visual needs and expectations in the context of your lifestyle, occupation, hobbies, and interests. Based on that information, combined with the details of your eye examination, your surgeon can set appropriate vision goals regarding your EVO ICL™ procedure.

Accurate Measurements Are Essential For Success: Before your procedure, a comprehensive eye examination is performed to determine the your candidacy, defining the correct parameters for implanting the EVO ICL™, and ensuring that EVO ICL™ is the best choice for you. This planning is crucial for tailoring the ICL to your unique vision requirements.

In addition to typical vision testing, slit lamp examination and dilation, additional testing will include anterior segment tomography, wavefront aberrometry, axial length measurement, combined with optical coherence tomography of the anterior segment and retina.

Aftercare and Recovery

Instant Vision: Immediately following surgery, your vision will be clear with only a few imperfections in focusing. In point of fact, it is very common for you to be able to see the world with 20/20 acuity within minutes or hours of your EVO ICL™ procedure.

We will provide comprehensive aftercare to ensure your eyes remain healthy and your vision stays clear. The primary check postoperatively is to assess the internal pressure of the eye, as the collagen based matrix used within the eye during EVO ICL™ insertion can occasionally cause the eye pressure to increase. If present, this is typically treated with a one-time simple oral medication. Most patients achieve their ideal intraocular pressure and visual acuity within a day or so after surgery.

We also want to make sure that the lens is the appropriate size for your eye. This can also be determined within a few days of your procedure. Very rarely, the implanted EVO ICL™ is either too large or too small for your eye. If this rare circumstance occurs, it is corrected by removal and replacement of the implanted EVO ICL™ with either a larger or smaller lens.

Frequently Asked Questions

EVO ICL™ provides an unparalleled, long-term solution for vision correction. It is designed to remain in place indefinitely, but unlike virtually all other vision correction procedures, it can be removed and the eye focus returned to its preoperative state if desired. Moreover, if for some reason your vision was to change significantly years after implantation, the EVO ICL™ can be easily exchanged for a different power implant if necessary.

The safety profile of EVO ICL is well-established, with over 1,000,000 procedures performed worldwide, demonstrating very high satisfaction and exceptionally low complication rates.

In addition to its high safety profile, the EVO ICL™ provides patients with high definition vision both day and night without the hassles of contact lenses. From a safety perspective, it is completely reversible if one’s vision needs change in the future. It is ideal for patient with pre-existing dry eye demonstrating significantly less postoperative dry eye than Lasik.

EVO ICL™ is also the ideal solution for patients with thin corneas or those patients whose corneal shape or structure makes the risk of Lasik or PRK unacceptable. More than this, irrespective of one’s preoperative corneal thickness or shape, the EVO ICL™ does not thin or weaken the cornea making it the safest vision correction procedure available, even in normal eyes.

The fact that EVO ICL™ does not thin the cornea also makes this procedure the ideal for high degrees of nearsightedness or astigmatism where corneal thinning and weaking in Lasik or PRK is maximized.


TBD: Hear from our patients who have transformed their lives with EVO ICL. Their stories reflect the freedom and joy that come with exceptional vision.

Contact Us

Make the Call or Contact Us Online Today: Are you ready to experience your world with clarity and precision without the hassle of glasses, contact lenses, or readers? Our knowledgeable patient counselor team is ready to answer your questions and schedule that first step – a complimentary personal consultation to find out if the EVO ICL™ is right for you. This consultation directly with Dr. Will is designed to provide the one-on-one personal attention necessary to determine your suitability for this procedure and give you the information to launch your personal path to freedom from glasses, contact lenses, and readers.

Contact us today to learn more about the EVO ICL™. Our friendly professional staff will schedule your personalized consultation so you can see how this revolutionary vision correction procedure can transform your life for the better.