Am I a Good Candidate?

Modern Technology Likely Says Yes: Even if You’ve been Told No

With all of the advances in vision correction surgery over the last few years, most everyone today can enjoy freedom from glasses, reading glasses or contact lenses. With Will Vision & Laser Centers‘ highly advanced laser systems we are now able to treat very high degrees of astigmatism, very high amounts of nearsightedness and very high amounts of farsightedness.

As a result, if you need corrective lenses for distance or for near vision, we most likely have a solution for you. In addition, we are able to combine various surgical options to create a custom solution that will work for your personal vision needs.

Because we offer procedures that are more advanced than most vision centers in the Pacific Northwest, it is very likely that even if you have been told that you are not a candidate at another center that we may be able to find a new solution that will safely deliver the freedom from glasses, readers and contact lenses that you have been seeking.


Rather than attempt to describe how these advanced vision procedures can be combined together or who these visual solutions might apply to, the simplest and fastest way to determine if you are a candidate for advanced vision solutions is to contact us and set up a free comprehensive consultation with Dr. Brian Will. Once we understand your unique needs we can craft a solution that will suit your needs.

Come visit us today and See the Difference!